Your 10-Minute Workout At Home To Keep You Fit!
So, yes we are all stuck indoors during this COVID-19 crisis, of course for our very own good, but just because we are stuck indoors doesn’t mean we can’t work out. Who said a gym is the only place for a good workout? Check out the 10-minute workout you can do at home to keep fit without the use of any gym equipment. So what are you waiting for? Stay at home & get fit 😉
1. Start With Squats: You can start with simple squats a total of 20 reps. All you need to do is stand tall with your feet apart, squat and then jump then land into a squat position again! You can even try this holding a dumbbell i.e. if you have weights at home.
2. Get Down To Push-ups: Get on the floor & keep elbows at 45-degree angle near your chest, palms down, feet together with toes curled up and weight on the chest. Then raise your body or press up using your arms with weight now supported by your palms and balls of your feet & bringing your torso, chest & thighs off the ground together, keeping your abs tightened & making sure the body is parallel to the ground. Lower the body, coming down to the ground together making sure your chest touches the ground, which completes 1 rep. Do a total of 10 reps. You can increase the intensity by increasing the number of push-ups.
3. Get Up & Do The Walking Lunges: Step forward with one leg, keeping the heel of the forward leg down. then lower the torso until the back knee touches the ground, making sure the front leg is vertical. You can start with 10 per leg & again you increase this to 15 and so on.
4. Get Down To Do The Mountain Climbers: Get on the floor into a plank position where your weight is supported by hands and toes & your back is straight. Alternate leg movements by bringing the knee into the chest. Do this for at least 30 seconds.
5. Continue With A Plank: Whilst on the floor (face-down prone position), keeping your legs straight but slightly apart. Then raise your body resting on your forearms (making sure your elbows form a straight line with your shoulders), keeping your legs straight but slightly apart, with your feet flexed with the bottoms of your toes on the floor. Hold for at least 30 seconds.
6. End With Jumping Jacks: Start with feet together and hands by your side, then jump with legs spread wide and hands touching above the head, then return to the position with feet on the ground and hands by the side. Do at least 30 reps of jumping jacks.