Unfixable Relationship Issues - H&S Love Affair - H&S Magazine Kenya
6 Relationship Issues That Just Can't Be Fixed! Many couples have been indoors since March and for the couples who have been living together, this so-called '4 months and counting' period for some of them has been a blessing, whilst for others an eyeopener. This period has been a teacher for many couples & most have managed to learn whether they're truly compatible & meant for each other or that they're just not meant to be together. A lot of couples have worked or are still working through their relationship problems and a lot of the problems, thank God, are fixable for example is the phone getting annoying or has been the problem? Yes? The answer is simple, set some rules such as having 'no-phone zones' for e.g. at the dining table, in the bedroom etc and the problem is solved. However, not every problem has a solution and there are some relationship issues that can't be fixed no matter what & that moving on is the best thing to do rather than being stuck in a toxic relationship for eternity! So what are these relationship problems that can't be fixed?
H&S Magazine Kenya