The Art Of Honouring Commitments: Fulfilling Promises - Positive Reflection Of The Week - H&S Magazine Kenya
Exploring the Impact of Honouring Commitments - Article by Shahwana In many instances, we commit to something or someone but don't follow up on the promises we made. It could be anything - from making casual commitments to serious ones. For example, you meet a long-lost friend on the road one day, and it's all excitement. You part ways, promising to meet up soon and keep in touch. However, no numbers were exchanged or dates fixed for a meetup again. From your side, this may be something you don't think about too often. However, it's not an honourable commitment; it was a casual conversation where both parties had no real commitment to see or call. But when there is a commitment, then show up - then stay true to your word.
H&S Magazine Kenya