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attachment issues in relationships Tag

7 Signs Your Partner's Possessive! Some people mistake possessiveness to be love, when in fact it's the complete opposite of love. It is a form of 'ownership', where one partner believes the other 'belongs' to them. Love, on the other

Don't Survive, Thrive: Your Relationship Should NEVER Be In 'Survival Mode'! It is so common for people to get into the 'survival mode' especially when it comes to long term relationships. Why because, it's the easy thing to do. Just

7 Signs You're Being Clingy & How To Stop! The word 'clingy' synonymous with 'anxious attachment in a relationship, refers to being needy and overly dependent on your partner. This behaviour of wanting constant reassurance from your partner or craving constant

6 Relationship Issues That Just Can't Be Fixed! Many couples have been indoors since March and for the couples who have been living together, this so-called '4 months and counting' period for some of them has been a blessing, whilst